Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

Importance of IP For Start-ups and Entrepreneurs (Part X): Checklist for Start-ups

Importance of IP For Start-ups and Entrepreneurs (Part X): Checklist for Start-ups

These are some basic questions VCs and Investors ask before investing in a start-up. What is the value of Intellectual Property (IP) for the start-up's business, revenues and competitive advantage in the market? Is the start up IP driven? How strong is the start-up’s IP portfolio when compared with its competitors? Is the IP ownership clear, and are all link documents in place? Will the IP Portfolio help in retaining revenues, and opening new revenue opportunities? Is the start-up’s IP…

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Importance of IP For Start-ups and Entrepreneurs (Part VII)

Importance of IP For Start-ups and Entrepreneurs (Part VII): Raising Funds from VCs and Investors in India

The post below has been  previously published on 9th December, 2014. Besides minor dated references, the post gives a basic understanding of how start-ups can raise funds and get investments from venture capitals and other investors, through their intellectual assets. Funding activities during the last quarter, especially when it comes to start ups, was great! Apart from the US$ 1 Billion Fundraising by Flipkart, India saw several start ups being funded at various levels. A Report indicates 93 deals…

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