This running post provides a summary of the latest Indian Copyright cases in 2021, decided by various Courts and tribunals in the country.
1. Mr. John Hart Jr. & Anr. vs. Mr. Mukul Deora & Ors, High Court of Delhi, CS (Comm) 38/2021
In this case, Plaintiff No. 1 claims to be vested with the exclusive copyright to make a movie adaptation of the book “The White Tiger” authored by Mr. Aravind Adiga by virtue of a Literary Option/Purchase Agreement dated…
This presentation was delivered by Ms. Sharada Kalamadi at GNLU as a part of the entertainment law course offered to LLB and LLM students. The presentation covers:
Film related Agreements
Artists Agreements
Author Agreements
Rights and obligations of parties
Future Formats
Usage of third party IP/In film branding
Types of Licenses
Ms. Kalamadi used various industry examples, cases, multi-media to give insights into various facets of Contracts in the Entertainment Industry.…