Intellectual Property is an important tool for every company, small or big, in today's business context. The seminar and discussion provides an understanding of the value of IP for business in the context of latest developments in India and across the world. It also provides insights into strategies for fast tracking patent grants.
Session 1: Intellectual Property and Business Value
This session focuses on how companies can take advantage of their IP assets to gain business and commercial benefits. It…
BananaIP's Intellepedia is organising three IP Events during the next four weeks. They are being held at BananaIP's office in Bangalore. You may register for the events by visiting the links provided hereunder.
At a Glance
Fastracking Patents in India: Getting a Patent in One Year - 20th December 2019 (2PM to 4PM) - BananaIP's Office (3rd Floor) - Register Online
The Music of Copyrights - 3rd January , 2020 (2PM to 4PM) - BananaIP's Office (3rd Floor) - Register…
Changes in patent rules and proactive steps of the patent office now make it possible to acquire patent grants within one year from the date of filing a patent application. The cost for acquiring the patent speedily is not very high, and business/financial benefits are significant.
BananaIP Counsels, a top-ranked patent firm in India, has over the years helped several of its clients acquire quick patent grants in India and internationally. The firm's highly specialised patent attorneys use substantive and procedural…