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Draft Patent Rules 2024

Draft Patents (2nd Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Draft Indian Patent Rules 2024 has been released for public review. This draft addresses the adjudication process for penalties in patent-related matters. It introduces specific roles such as 'Adjudicating Officer' and 'Appellate Authority', clarifying their functions in the patent adjudication process. The draft also details procedures for filing and appealing complaints in cases of patent contraventions.These updates are part of an ongoing effort to enhance the clarity and efficiency of the patent process in India. Objections or suggestions, if any, may…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Draft Patent Rules 2019, India joins key WIPO treaties, Royal Enfield v. Flash Electronics and more

  “Patent News Bulletin: Indian Patent Statistics, First Examination Report (FER) Statistics, Industrial Design Statistics, Draft Patent Rules, 2019, India joins three key WIPO International Classification Treaties, Nice Agreement, Vienna Agreement, Locarno Agreement, DC – MSME issues guidelines on IPR for MSME’s, Haryana State Electronics Development Corporation forms think-tank called Begin, PCT roving seminars 2019, Delhi High Court stops ZTT India from infringing Sterlite’s Patent, NATCO Pharma settles patent dispute with Onyx Therapeutics in US, Royal Enfield denies Flash Electronics’ allegations…

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the featured image displays the words “Patent (Amendment) Rules, 2016”. To read more click here.

Patent Amendment Rules 2016

  In furtherance to the National IPR Policy released on the 13th  of May 2016, the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) has issued a notification bringing the Patent (Amendment) Rules, 2016 into effect from 16th  May 2016. Much of the content of the Draft Patent Rules has been maintained in the Patent (Amendment) Rules, 2016 with some further additions. Our post on the salient features of the Draft Patent Rules issued in 2015 can be accessed here…

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The featured image reads budget. The post discusses the ip provisions in the new budget. T o read more click here.

Budget 2016: IPR makes a small cameo

The much anticipated financial budget of 2016 was presented before the houses of the Parliament on February 29th, 2016. While the budget is being looked at as a good budget overall; the realm of Intellectual Property has found a few reasons to cheer. Mr. Jaitley, Finance Minister of the GoI has observed that “Research is a driver of innovation and innovation provides a thrust to economic growth”. In this light the Minister has proposed a special patent regime with 10…

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The Image is of the launch of the Make in India campaign. The post is about patents and make in india. To read more click here.

Ready for Patent grants in 18 months?

Most people who have filed for a Patent in India will definitely understand the phrase “Life is too short to wait”. Narrowing this concept to the life of a Patent, it is as short as 20 years. The Patent grant system in India is a rather slow process and easily eats up more than a quarter of the Patents Life. Furthermore, in the absence of a concept like the “Patent term adjustment” followed in the United States, filing a Patent…

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Patent Claims x

DIPP Draft Patent Rules

  There has been a lot of commotion and discussion regarding the recent DIPP proposed amendment to the Patent Rules, 2003. To any agonized patent applicant, these suggested amendments are a relief from the tardy process of awaiting examination and grant for an application which in toto approximately takes 6-7 years. The entire process delays the enjoyment of the monopolistic right offered by a patent. Thus, the number of years that an applicant enjoys his patent right gets significantly reduced and…

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