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Diaries that charge mobiles, Patent Agent Examination, IBM versus Groupon, AstraZeneca v. Dr. Reddy’s, Ericsson and LG Electronics Patent Licensing Agreement, Design Tip of the week and more.

  “Drop in number of patent applications published, Interesting Patents, Wireless mobile charging diary, Passive haptic learning based typing skill enhancement system for the visually impaired, Patent Agent Examination registrations, IBM wins $83 million in suit against Groupon, AstraZeneca sues Dr. Reddy’s in Delhi High Court, Ericsson and LG Electronics sign Global Patent License Agreement, Design Tip and other Weekly Patent News,” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm. Patent Quote of the Week…

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Patent Claims x

Compulsory Licensing in India

  Mark Twain once said “Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please”. How is this relevant to this Compulsory Licensing post here? You need to read on to discover that.   The history of Compulsory Licensing can be traced back to the UK Statute of Monopolies in 1624, which ruled out monopolies associated with patent, and stated that grants should not be mischievous to the State‘ or hurt trade. The UK recognized compulsory licensing in terms of…

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pharmaceutical patent x

Gilead, IPA, Natco & The Bells of Harmony

  Pharmaceutical industries seem to be making headlines this season. Over the past few weeks there have been numerous news reports with respect to the pharmaceutical industry, SiNApSE alone has covered many of these in its earlier blog posts. The issues range from rejection of patent applications based on the ever so controversial section 3(d) as observed in the case of Pfizer’s drug “Tofacitinib” to the resurrection of the nightmare of many pharmaceutical companies, namely “the COMPULSORY LICENSE” as seen in…

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