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Weekly Copyright, Media, and Entertainment Law Updates

This week’s copyright, media and entertainment law updates are as below: Slovenia Implements EU Directives on Copyright Law Protecting Author’s Right in Cinematographic Works The National Assembly in Slovenia, amending the Copyright and Related Rights Act and the Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights Act, has adopted provisions from two EU Directives on Copyright in to Slovenian legislation. The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology in the process of drafting and legislating the amendments, had held public debates, gathered suggestions…

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Digital Rights Management

This post was first published on December 24, 2014.   Laws alone cannot eliminate copyright infringements. For the Copyright Law to take its course, there have to be effective detection of infringements and identification of infringers. Furthermore, as with any property rights, owners of copyrighted content have to take certain measures to protect their copyrights before expecting law enforcement to aid them. DRMs and ETMs are such measures a copyright owner is expected to take in order to protect his copyrights…

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Technological Protection Measures

  The Copyright Act, 1957 went through a major change in 2012. The amendment harmonised the copyright law with the “Internet Treaties”- the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT), making it capable of facing challenges posed by digital technologies. The Copyright Act, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Act’) added new Sections, 65A and 65B, for protection against dodging of technological measures and protection of rights management information respectively. The provision under Section 65A sets out…

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