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Copyright Statistics 2019 Recap

Copyright Statistics 2019 Recap A total of 21,153 applications for copyright registrations were filed in the year 2019. There was an increase of 3126 applications in comparison to the total number of applications for the year 2018, which was 18,027. There was an increase of 17.3% in the total number of copyright applications filed during the year 2019 as compared to 2018. The majority of applications filed in the year 2019 were for literary/dramatic works, followed by artistic works and the…

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Copyright Applications Up by 22%

COPYRIGHT STATISTICS There is an increase of 22% in the total number of copyright applications filed for the month of October as compared to the month of September. A total of 1636 applications were filed in the month of September, 2019. The majority of applications were filed for literary works and artistic works.   Sl. No Type of Work Number of Applications Filed in the Month of September 2019 Number of Applications Filed in the Month of October 2019 Change Percentage Change 1 Literary/ Dramatic Work 845   969   124 Increase of 14% 2 Artistic Work 586   394   192 Decrease of…

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Copyright Statistics

COPYRIGHT STATISTICS There is a decrease of 3% in the total number of copyright applications filed for the month of September as compared to the month of August. A total of 1621 applications were filed in the month of September, 2019. The majority of applications were filed for literary works and artistic works. Sl. No Type of Work Number of Applications Filed in the Month of August 2019 Number of Applications Filed in the Month of September 2019 Change Percentage Change 1 Literary/ Dramatic Work 1024 845 179 Decrease of 17% 2 Artistic Work 511 586 75 Increase of…

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This Image depicts the Logo of 'Fox News'. This Image is relevant as the article deals with the Fair Use of Copyrighted Material. Click on this Image for more Information.

Clips of Copyrighted Material Constitute FAIR USE!

This post was first published on 19th September, 2014.   In a recent copyright dispute, a New York Court recently held that a database providing for television clips and snippets of transcript constitute fair use, protecting it from allegations of copyright infringement. TVEyes is a company that monitors and records all contents broadcast by more than 1,400 television and radio stations and transforms this content into a searchable database for its subscribers. TVEyes allows its subscribers to use search terms and obtain transcripts and video…

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If I Could Copyright… My Book: Copyrights and Writers (Part 5)

If I Could Copyright… My Audio: Copyrights and Writers (Part 7)

This post deals with filing of copyright registration application for protection of Sound recording. As elaborated in our previous post, audio books are protected under copyright act as sound recordings. With the rise of various platform for audio books, like Audible, Google Play Books, Kobo Books, Bookmobile, etc., the market for audiobooks is growing with tremendous pace. In this scenario, it is recommended that writers should file a copyright registration application for registering their audiobooks under copyright law. Either the writer…

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If I Could Copyright… My Book: Copyrights and Writers (Part 5)

If I Could Copyright… My Art: Copyrights and Writers (Part 6)

This post deals with filing of copyright registration application for protection of Artistic works forming part of a book. As stated in our previous post, text of a book is protected under Literary works, but some part of the book like images, diagrams, cover image, etc., may be protected under Artistic works. In order to ensure better copyright protection in a book it is recommended that a writer should first file for copyright registration for artistic works used in promotion…

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