Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

Accessibility is Mandatory for Businesses says CCPD

Accessibility is Mandatory for Businesses says CCPD

In a recent recommendation, the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities (CCPD) stated that private establishments such as businesses, societies, associations, and so on are bound by the accessibility requirements under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (the "RPwD Act"). It concluded in a case filed by Mr. Rahul Bajaj, an upcoming IP attorney, against Practo Technologies Private Limited ("Practo") and the Director General of Health Services ("DGHS"). In the case, Mr. Bajaj argued that the Practo application,…

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Indian IP Office and Website Accessibility for Persons with Blindness - Order of CCPD

Indian IP Office and Website Accessibility for Persons with Blindness – Order of CCPD

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 ("RPwD Act") was enacted with the objective of giving effect to the provisions of the UN Convention of Persons with Disabilities to which India is a member state. The RPwD Act requires Government and private establishments to provide information, communications and documents in formats that are accessible to persons with disabilities. The Act also mandates establishments to provide reasonable accommodations, and states that not providing such accommodations amounts to discrimination. The Rights…

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Indian IP office and Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities

Indian IP Office and Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities

One of the biggest issues in modern societies is perhaps a growing sense of apathy towards fellow human beings. Intellectual property as a field has not been untouched by this issue. The Marrakesh treaty for instance since it was first put forward, has garnered only 70 signatories till date out of the 190+ member states that form part of the WIPO. This post however does not intend to deal with or question the aforementioned issues themselves but instead seeks to…

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