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The featured image shows the logo of toyota Company. The post is about a recent trademark dispute regarding the use of the mark PRIUS. To know more, please click here.

Toyota Wins the ‘Prius’ Trademark Dispute

Toyota, one of the leading giants in the automobile industry, sensed a huge relief when the Delhi High Court on 8th of July, 2016 delivered its judgment in its favour. This trademark dispute was pending in the court for seven long years, before the court found the defendants conduct to be dishonest. The Delhi High Court in the case of Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha vs Deepak Mangal & Ors., CS (OS) 2490 of 2009, also known as the Prius Trademark…

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The featured images shows the flying carby terrafugia This post is about a flying car that has been granted a patent in the US. To read more click here.

Ignition, Gear and Lift-off!

The idea for a flying car has now moved a step closer to reality from fantasy. The world's biggest automaker Toyota recently filed a patent application revealing a flying vehicle resembling a hover car or a roadable aircraft. The USPTO has published the patent application disclosed in application no. 14/194,795 on September 3rd, 2015. The patent discloses a vehicle that can be both, flown as a fixed wing aircraft and driven as a land vehicle. The invention titled “stackable wing…

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Honda takes comfort and ride quality to next level

Suspension systems in bikes are primarily used to provide safety and comfort to rider as well as pillion. Conventional suspension system on motorbike has a pair of fork tubes for the front wheel suspension. In operation, shock waves produced due to the displacement of the front wheel is dampened/cushioned by the spring and damper component of the fork tubes; thereby ensuring comfort and safety of the passengers. Honda has recently filed a patent application (US 2015274249) titled ‘Front suspension structure…

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