Choosing the right name/business representation word, logo, device or any other form of business representation is generally the first asset created by an entrepreneur, Often, entrepreneurs finalize on a name or logo and develop strong emotional attachment to it without proper research. While it is important to be passionate about the business and its representation, every entrepreneur must take the following steps before finalizing on a business representation: Ensure that the name, logo or any other representation shortlisted is capable…
Through Sinapse’s “Young Intellectuals” feature, we bring to you interviews with young Intellectual Property professionals, who are making a big difference in the Indian and Global Intellectual Property road-map. You could get a glimpse into the progress of the IP world, looking through their eyes. In this edition we bring to you Mr Somashekar Ramakrishna, Partner at Banana IP Counsels.
Interviewer: Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala
Mr. Ramakrishna is a Partner and manages the Mechanical/Automotive patent division and prosecution division at BananaIP Counsels. Previously,…
Google's announcement that it would be using the house mark “ALPHABET” for its holding company sparked off a series of debates about trademark implications of using the said word. While numerous companies operate under the name "ALPHABET" as a part of their name, the leader of these companies seems to be BMW. BMW's representative has stated that Alphabet, a fleet services company operated by BMW is an important part of its business, and that BMW is considering the issue at…
Intellectual Property protection can provide business and competitive advantage to a company. While IP is assuming high importance for all companies, its value for a start-up can be extremely high, depending on the nature of the start-up. While IP, many a time, forms the core of technology/knowledge driven start-ups based on novel ideas, the spectrum of its value varies for others. Irrespective of the nature of a start-up, IP can help in gaining business/competitive value by: Providing the much needed…
Happy Independence Day everybody! As India celebrates its 69th independence day, we here at Sinapse wanted to join the festivities.
India is known for being the land of thinkers, intellectuals and innovators. Being the world's largest democracy, freedom is not just a word for us, it is a way of life. Freedom does not only mean breaking free from physical constraints, it also mean breaking-free from all shackles that restrain our freedom of thought. So let us salute every thinker,…
This post takes a look at top patent applicants in India among IT Companies and Research Institutions during the last decade.
Among IT Companies Samsung and Infosys have made noteworthy progress. Samsung especially has not only expanded its research activities in India, but has also increased its patent filings substantially.
Among research organisations, CSIR and ICAR figure among the top filers. IITs, and IISc are among the top applicants among educational institutes.
The tables below provide details of patent numbers for five organisations…
The Indian Patent Office took heat for its incompetence when Valganciclovir was granted patent in 2007. The matter was remanded back to the Patent Office by the IPAB to reconsider and this time the patent was revoked. This decision comes at the time when India’s National intellectual property policy is in its final stages, awaiting approval by the Cabinet and with mounting International pressure from Pharmaceutical lobbies, rejecting patent of Pharmaceutical giant F.Hoffmann-La Roche AG will have repercussions. But why…
The post provides updates on the progress of plant varieties filings and registrations in India during the last decade.
The Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Rights (PPV&FR) Act was enacted in 2001, the PPV&FR Rules were drafted subsequently in 2003. The PPV&FR Authority was established and made functional in 2005, as per the powers granted to Central Government under section 3 of the PPV&FR Act.
The main objective of the Act is not only to cater to the rights and…
When Shakespeare wrote the famous line “what’s in a name” he definitely did not anticipate the redundancy of the statement in the context of intellectual property. It’s all about the name! There are numerous legal suits that have ensued over the copying of a name. And why shouldn’t they, there is tremendous amount of goodwill and reputation attached to a name.
Recently, Zara the Spanish clothing brand, sued a Chennai based restaurant for using its name. The restaurant was called…
The post provides statistical information about industrial design (Design Patent) filing and grant numbers during the last decade.
The Design Act, 2000 is administered by the Design wing of the Patent office Kolkata under the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, Trademarks and Geographical Indications.
The Designs Act 2000 was made effective from 11th May 2001 repealing the earlier Act of 1911. This Act with corresponding Design Rules 2001 provides for the registration and protection of industrial designs.…