Interesting Trademarks, Trademark Statistics, Recent Trademark Updates, International Trademark Updates, Licensing Updates, Geographical Indication Updates and more brought to you by Trademark team of BIP Counsels.
Trademark quote of the week
“Trademark law must not be used to inhibit the freedom of speech in this powerful and important medium”
- Kent Wills
Trademark Statistics
The Trademark Registry has been really busy this week. There has been an increase of 33% in the total number of applications examined by Trademark Office for this…
Patent office updates, Interesting Patents, CRI Guidelines, Qualcomm v. Apple and Samsung, Recent patent grants, GoDaddy Patent Infringement, Patent Tip of the Week and more, presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s Premier New Age IP Firm.
Quote of the Week
“Patent Law cannot afford to sit and watch while technology advancement changes its dynamics.” – Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala, Renowned IP Attorney, Professor and Novelist
Patent stats from the Indian Patent Office
Patent publications have…
Continued from Part 3, read part by clicking here.
Reiterating that said earlier, sound recording consists of the acoustic portion including a lyric or a musical work despite which underlying works do not lose their existence upon a sound recording being made but remain exclusively mutual. However, the anomaly of the provision of the Act that grants the authors of musical & literary work and authors of sound recording the right to communicate to public their work has questioned the…
Copyrights & Entertainment Law News: Indian Copyright News and Updates, Entertainment Trademark News and Updates, International Copyright Updates, Entertainment Licensing News and Updates and more presented by the Media & Entertainment law attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s Premier New Age IP Firm.
Copyright Thought of the Week
“Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.”
― United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Indian Copyright…
Trademark quote of the week
“The ideal trademark is one that is pushed to its utmost limit in terms of abstraction and ambiguity, yet it is still readable” --Saul Bass
The Trademark Registry has been really busy this week. There has been an increase of 124% in the total number of applications examined by Trademark Office for this week compared to the last week.
Last week
This week
Change in %
Total Trademark applications examined by Trademark Office
Fair dealing provisions under the Indian Copyright Act, 1957 as amended in 2012 exempt certain activities from the purview of copyright infringement. While certain exceptions mentioned under Section 52(1) of the Copyright Act are applicable to all kinds of works in which copyright subsists, the applicability of certain provisions are restricted to specific works. The following table identifies the various fair dealing and fair use provisions under the Copyright and its applicability to specific works:
Fair dealing
All works
Private or personal…
Indian copyright law provides exceptions to libraries for use of copyrighted works under the statutory fair dealing provisions of the copyright Act (section 52) as well as under the judicially created fair use exception. Broadly the law permits use of copyrighted works by libraries for the following purposes:
Research and education;
Instructions, teaching and training;
Private study;
Enabling access to the disabled;
Activities of education institution;
Review and criticism;
Searching and data mining;
Drone delivery, IBM patents, Training courses, Qualcomm and Smartron Patent Licensing Agreement, Google’s PatentShield program, Patent tip of the week and more, presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s Premier New Age IP Firm.
Quote of the week
Patents are like fertilizer. Applied wisely and sparingly, they can increase growth. But if you apply too many chemicals, or make patents too strong, then you can leach the land, making growth more difficult. - Alex Tabarrok
Patent stats from…
Our previous post in this series discussed the value Intellectual Property brings to business and why managing the life cycle of IP systematically and efficiently becomes imperative. However, efficient management of the IP life cycle comes with its share of challenges that need to be addressed continuously and consistently to ensure smooth prosecution life of the IP. Today’s post is aimed at discussing some of the challenges professionals in IP face while managing IP portfolios.
Challenges with respect to timelines…
BananaIP is happy to announce the Program for Performing Arts, an initiative aimed at helping dance companies, music bands, drama companies, singers and performing artists protect, manage and commercialize their creative work. The Program has three primary goals:
Build IP Knowledge and Culture among Performing Artists;
Protect, Manage and Commercialize creative work of artists and companies; and
Mitigate IP risks for performances and related commercialization, licensing and merchandizing activities.
Towards the said goals, BananaIP's attorneys will work closely…