Indian Trademark Statistics for October (Third Week) 2018, Timex Group to Launch Ted Baker Watches, Dunhill Scores for Fashion, Malawi Joins Madrid Protocol, Seeraga Samba Rice Applied for GI, brought to you by the Trademark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsels.
“The purpose of your brand is to represent your purpose"– Michael Kauly
In the last week, the Indian Trademark Office have had a slow week. The total number of the applications disposed through…
First Publication Date: 1st May 2008
Dr. Sudhir is a graduate from St. John’s Medical College and Sloan School of Management, MIT. He has been on the founding team of three life sciences companies which include Angstrom Medica, Massachusetts, a nanotechnology based orthopedics application Company; Triesta Sciences, California, a genomics based cancer research organization and ClinTest International, Michigan. He currently serves as a CEO of ClinTest International and also runs Sandbox, a life Sciences Incubator.
Q1. What is the value of…
The Trademark process outlines in this post has changed owing to changes in law. It may be noted that the post provides details of the trademark registration process as it existed 10 years back, and maybe useful for research/educational purposes.Registration of a trademark is not compulsory. However, registered trademarks have additional benefits when compared to unregistered trademarks. Read more Continue Reading Trademark Registration in India
First Publication Date: 25th March 2008
The Lesser General Public License("LGPL") is a license used by the Free Software Foundation for software libraries. The license governs all open source software libraries of Free Software Foundation and many others who choose to use it. LGPL defines terms and conditions for copying, modification and distribution of software libraries. Version 3 of LGPL incorporates all provisions of the General Public License ("GPL") and lays down certain additional permissions for software libraries.
A software library governed…
First Publication Date: 10th February 2008
The Mozilla Public License (MPL), is a license developed by Netscape Communications. Most of its provisions are same as the Netscape Public License. The license is considered to be a middle ground between the General Public and BSD licenses.
Rights granted under the license
Any software distributed under MPL grants both copyrights and patent rights to the recipient. The license grants the following copyrights over the software:
Right to use;
First Publication Date: 4th February 2008
The GNU General Public License ("GPL") is one of the most popular open source licenses. All software released by the Free Software Foundation and many other authors, are governed by this license. GPL provides the freedom to share and modify software under certain conditions.
Copy, Run and Distribute
GPL allows a person to copy, run and distribute the software governed by it. A person is allowed to distribute verbatim copies of the software, commercially…
First Publication Date: 4th February 2008
What is a trade secret?
Trade secret is any information that has independent economic value because of not being known to others and for which reasonable measures have been taken to protect it as a secret. A secret is a trade secret only if it has legal sanctity. Terms like 'confidential information', 'proprietary information', 'undisclosed information' and trade secret have the same meaning from legal perspective.
What is a reasonable measure?
A measure to protect secrecy…
“Indian patent statistics, Interesting inventions, Patent infringement disputes, Nestlé’s Skin Health accused of patent infringement, Teva and Eagle Pharma file patent infringement suit against Mylan and Fresenius, Qualcomm versus Apple – setback for Qualcomm and other Weekly Patent News updates,” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm.
Design Quote of the Week
“Design helps shape our everyday interactions through products, furniture, objects, or experiences.” - Co-founder and chief product officer of Airbnb…
First Publication Date: 4th February 2008.
Over the past few months, demands for increased privacy regulation have taken center stage as increasingly private transactions move to the Internet. According to The New York Times, the Clinton Administration plans to impose privacy regulations on health care information in the waning weeks of his presidential term. Companies are faced with renewed pressure to update privacy policies as tracking technologies change and consumer concern grows.
Privacy policies are not generic and must be tailored to…
First Publication Date: 7th January 2008
The Copyright law protects ideas expressed on a tangible form. Ideas by themselves do not get any protection; only the expression of the idea is protected under the copyright law. To get protection an idea should be expressed as literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, cinematographic or photographic work or a sound recording. Such an expression should be on a tangible form such as a paper, canvas, tape and so on. Expression in an electronic form is…