First Publication Date: 24th June 2010.
A patent was granted to CSIR with respect to a composition useful for protecting and/or repairing DNA from oxidative damages. The value of cow's urine has been emphasized in ancient Indian texts including the rig veda. Cow's urine is known to not only have medicinal value but is also used to purify ayurvedic medicines. The patent granted to CSIR claims a composition for preventing and repairing damage to DNA due to oxidation. The patent…
First Publication Date: 9th June 2010
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has recently incorporated materials on yoga to the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL). The materials include data on various yoga postures and videos relating to them. The information on yoga has been collected by CSIR from ancient Indian texts such as Patanjali. As per Dr. Gupta from CSIR, the addition of the materials to TKDL will play an important role in preventing patent grants relating to yoga…
First Publication Date: 13th June 2010
Supreme Court vacated Interim Application passed in favor of plaintiff and also allowed
the IA in favor of defendants. This case is a hearing of interim application before
Supreme Court while main suit was pending for trial.
Case Facts
Well-known authors Ratanlal and Dhirajlal wrote books on IPC, CrPC, Evidence Act,
Torts, Law of Crimes and Bombay Criminal Cases. All these six books were assigned to
the defendants by Mrs. Mary. Later, assignor and the defendants had a legal dispute
which was…
Telcos Petition Censor Board to Suspend Release of 2.0, Copyright Infringement Suit Halts Akshay Kumar’s Mission Mangal, Cinefil Applies for Registration as Copyright Society, Warner Bros. Settle Sabrina Infringement with Satanic Temple, Australia’s Copyright Amendment Bill 2018 Expands Piracy Laws, Malaysian Developer Sues Fox and Disney, Akshay Kumar Releases Special 2.0 Filter on Facebook, Spotify to Launch in India in the Next six Months, Shutterstock Simplifies Photo Licensing, Discover Media Lab Expands International Partnerships.
Monitoring and…
First Publication Date: 27th May 2010
I noticed this Godrej Tribolt lock (which can be seen below)
carrying prominent notices about the Intellectual Property related to it (seen below)
The above notice is an example of a good patent notice, in that it complies with S.111(1) of the Indian Patent Act, 1970, which reads as
In a suit for infringement of a patent, damages or an account of profits shall not be granted against the defendant who proves that at the date of the…
First Publication Date: 7th June 2010
Most of us fly frequently. But, we might not have paid attention to the most vital piece of safety equipment for a passenger; the seat belt. If you flip the receptacle portion of the belt, you will see a notice which states "Patent 5088160".
The referred patent is assigned to Am-safe, Inc and was filed on February 5, 1990 (and has subsequently expired on February 5, 2010).
The two independent claims are as follows:
Claim 1: A webbing…
Writings expressed on tangible forms are copyrightable only if they are original and creative. The thresholds are low, but they still have to be satisfied.
Originality checks whether a writing has been independently created. The question is not about similarity of works, it is about independence of expression. As long as a writer has independently written her work, it will not matter if the work is similar or identical to another work.
Example: If X writes a poem, and it is…
First Publication Date: 27th May 2010.
After reading today’s article titled “Patent-run for synthetic life form could be ‘damaging’, says Brit scientist” I thought I was having a Déjà vu. Looks like, once again, history repeats itself. Have you ever wondered as to why every time there is substantial progress in the field of Synthetic biology, we get mixed reactions? We are happy about the progress but when it comes to rewarding a patent to the inventors for the progress,…
Indian Trademark Statistics for November (Fourth Week) 2018, Discovery Brand Now in India, LG Electronics Files Trademarks for Foldable Phones, Aaj Tak Wins a Trademark Battle, Surname Trademark Infringement, and more, brought to you by the Trademark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsels.
“Every advertisement should be thought of as a contribution to the complex symbol whichis the brand image”– Walter Landor
The Indian Trademark Office have had a mixed week with respect to…
Copyright protects original, creative expressions on a tangible form. All three requirements, originality, creativity, and expression on a tangible form have low thresholds, and are easily satisfied by almost, all writings. As long as the writer's work is independently created, not copied; it has minimal creativity, a pinch at least; and the writing is on a tangible form such as paper, electronic medium, etc., copyright protection automatically begins. Expression is what matters for copyright protection, and impression is irrelevant.
Ideas and…