Indian IP Cases Report, 2021

BananaIP is happy to launch the IP Cases Report for the year 2021. This report covers cases related to intellectual property decided by Courts in India, in the form of case notes. These case notes cover important decisions on critical questions of law and fact with respect to various species of intellectual property. You may download a copy of the report here. [Download PowerPoint Version] [Download PDF Version]

Structure of the Report

The Report is structured based on the primary form of IP discussed in a given case. It starts with Patent Cases, and goes on to provide short notes about Trademark, Design and Copyright Cases. Cause title of each case is provided along with a short brief of the facts and the Court’s decision. Each case citation includes a link to the full copy of the case on Indian Kanoon.


This Report incudes select, handpicked cases that were considered important by BananaIP’s team of experts. The Report does not include all cases decided in India, and some important cases might also have been missed out. It however, provides an overview of most important cases decided in 2021, which may be used for further reading/reference.


This Report was put together by IP Attorneys and Associates from different departments at BananaIP. The contributors of this Report include the following:

  1. Mr. Rakesh Krishnan, Technical Editor
  2. Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala
  3. Ms. Ashwini Arun
  4. Ms. Naika Salaria
  5. Ms. Kavya Sadashivan


This report is being made available by BananaIP under a Creative Commons License – CC BY-NC 4.0. You may access the terms of this License at:


“Intellectual Property Cases Report 2021” by BananaIP Counsels, is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

You may also access our IP Statistics Report for the year 2021 here.

This post is brought to you by BananaIP’s Consulting & Strategy Department

About BananaIP’s Consulting & Strategy Department

BananaIP’s Consulting & Strategy Department has the experience of helping companies use IP for business and competitive advantage. Companies regularly seek their assistance, advise and opinions on identifying/mining inventions and creations, conducting IP audits, protecting IP assets appropriately, launching risk free products, managing litigation for business benefit, resolving disputes out of Court, making money out of IP, enforcing IP, and licensing transactions. If you have any questions, or need any clarifications, please write to


Please note that the cases that form part of this update has been put together from different sources, primary and secondary, and BananaIP’s reporters may not have verified the decision published. You may write to  for corrections and take down.

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