Gaurav Mishra delivers a talk on Patent law

Mr. Gaurav Mishra recently delivered a talk on the law of patents in India at a seminar organized by the National Law School of India University, Bangalore in association with Sree Veerendra Patil Degree College, Bangalore on the 11th of October 2019. The seminar titled “IPR for Spurring Innovation and Creativity” was primarily aimed at helping students and faculties of science to understand IPR in general and grasp the importance of patents in relation to science and technology.
The full presentation may be viewed here.

Topics covered in this presentation include:

  • What are patents?
  • Why are patents important?
  • Who can file for patents?
  • Where can you file patent applications in India?
  • Patentability requirements
    • Patentable subject Matter
    • Industrial applicability
    • Novelty
    • Inventive step / non-obviousness
    • Specification
  • Product Patents and Process patents
  • Exclusions /what cannot be patented?
  • Rights of patentee
  • Remedies in case of patent infringement
  • Defenses in cases of patent infringement
  • Exercise questions

About Gaurav

Gaurav Mishra is IP Manager at BananaIP Counsels and has been involved in developing strategic engagements with Intellectual Property firms around the globe. Gaurav works with several large companies as well as startups on patent related matters ranging from patent filing / prosecution to litigation management and dispute resolution. He is a key member in BananaIP’s patent and strategic engagement division. He is also the Editor and Author contributor of the IP blog, Intellepedia – One of the world’s leading IP resources.

If you have any questions regarding the contents of this presentation, please feel free to write to Gaurav on
If you have any queries or questions relating to patents, patent filings in India or foreign patent filings, please feel free to reach out or;

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