Free Master Class on IP for Start Ups, Entrepreneurs and SMEs

BananaIP and NASSCOM have launched a first of its kind ‘Master Class on IP for Start Ups.  The event is supported by India AI, Start Up Karnataka and IT-BT Department. The registration is now open, and any Start Up or Entrepreneur may register for free. You may view the registration details at this link

Why a Master Class?

Intellectual Property is today an important business tool for Start Ups. It helps  them protect their  creativity and innovation, and gain exclusivity in the marketplace to commercialize their ideas. Over the years, IP has proved to be extremely valuable in facing competition, enhancing valuation, and acquiring funding. Today, holding IP, especially patents, is given significant importance  by investors, acquirers, competitors,  and even the general public. If it has strong IP, a Start Up has a better chance of establishing itself in the market and growing.
To use IP effectively, Start Ups must be aware of different facets of IP protection, management and commercialization, and must learn how to use it in various contexts. The objective of the Master Class is to help Start Ups gain an understanding of IP, especially patents, and to  give them the tool kit  for success.

Target Audience

The Master Class is  for:

  • Start Ups
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Prospective Entrepreneurs
  • Independent Inventors/Creators
  • Artists
  • SMEs

Who will deliver the Master Class?

The Master Class will be delivered by accomplished IP Experts from
BananaIP. Team BananaIP has over the last 18 years trained more than 20, 000 corporates. They also teach business and technology based IP courses at IIMB, NLSIU, IIMS and so on.

Faculty Details

MasterClass on IP Speakers x

Master Class Certificate

The Master Class  will be delivered in four sessions spread over four weeks.
A certificate of completion will be issued for participants, who attend all the sessions.

Master Class Structure

May, 27th 2021

Session 1: AI Startups and The Business of Intellectual Property

June, 3rd 2021

Session 2: Assessing Patentability of AI Technologies and Performing AI Patent Searches

June, 10th 2021

Session 3: How to get a Patent, and How can AI Startups expedite the patent process?

June, 17th 2021

Session 4: Valuing, Commercializing and Licensing AI Technologies and Patents

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