The Madras High Court overturned the Trade Marks Registry’s decision to reject Prem Biyani’s trademark application for the mark “Zee” under Class 5, which was opposed by Zee Entertainment. The Court noted that Zee Entertainment’s mark, although well-known, was not registered under Class 5 and did not appear in isolation. The case has been remanded to the Trade Marks Registry for reconsideration. Continue Reading Let’s see who gets the ‘Zee’! Prem Biyani vs Zee Entertainment
Indi Pharma Pvt Ltd successfully petitioned the High Court of Bombay to restore its trademark application for VOMISET and allow its renewal. The Court’s decision was based on the precedent set in the Motwane case, highlighting the importance of proper notification for trademark renewals. Continue Reading All set for VOMISET : Court restores trademark and allows renewal beyond deadline
The Delhi High Court ruled in favor of Anuj Bindal, the prior user of ‘Dabal Kabooter Brand,’ in a trademark dispute against ‘Double Kabooter Brand.’ This case highlights the importance of prior use and the implications of false statements in trademark applications. Continue Reading Court says infringing brand ‘Double Kabooter’ Jaa Jaa Jaa
Delhi High Court upholds Haldiram’s trademark rights, awarding Rs. 50 lakhs in damages and recognizing ‘HALDIRAM’ as a well-known mark in a legal battle against unauthorized use. Continue Reading Snack Wars: Haldiram’s Battle for Brand Supremacy
Delhi High Court revives Dabur’s ODONIL MYSTIC ROSE trademark application, citing procedural lapses by the Trade Marks Registry in serving the notice of opposition. Continue Reading Lost in the Inbox? Delhi High Court Saves Dabur’s Trademark Application
In this review petition filed before the Delhi High Court, the Court rejected the plea filed by the Trademark Officer to remove their names from the order. Continue Reading The Court refuses to remove names of Trademark Officers from the order
The Delhi High Court has restrained KSC Industries from using the mark “Everyday” for lighters, finding it deceptively similar to Eveready’s well-known trademark for batteries and lighting products. Continue Reading Lights out for “Everyday” Lighters : Injunction in favour of EVEREADY
ITC Limited, the owner of the “Gold Flake” trademark for cigarettes, successfully obtained an injunction against competitors using confusingly similar brands like “Gold Falcon” and “Gold Flicker”. Continue Reading ITC Protects “Gold Flake” Brand: Court Halts Sale of Deceptively Similar Cigarettes
A Taiwanese adhesive tape company successfully obtained an injunction against a competitor using “Reindeer” and “Reindeer Wonder” trademarks on PVC pipes. The Court found these marks deceptively similar to the plaintiff’s “Deer” brand and intended to mislead customers. Continue Reading Non-use of trademark is not a valid defense against injunction
The Delhi High Court has issued an ex-parte ad-interim injunction against a restaurant/café operating under the name of Social Chai. The Court held that the addition of the suffix “CHAI” to “SOCIAL” is insufficient to effectively differentiate the Defendant’s mark from that of the Plaintiff’s, especially due to the identical domain of restaurant services. Continue Reading No more ‘Social’izing for Social chai