The Delhi High Court has issued an ex parte ad interim injunction in favor of Indian Hotel Company Limited (IHCL), blocking fraudulent websites impersonating Ginger Hotels. The Court’s decision protects IHCL’s trademark and prevents ongoing financial fraud, safeguarding the company’s reputation and consumers’ trust. Continue Reading Court Checks Out: ‘GINGER’ Hotel’s Fraudsters Blocked
The Delhi High Court granted a permanent injunction in favor of Heifer Project International against Heifer Project India Trust and Mr. Pran K Bhatt for trademark infringement. The ruling prevents the defendants from using the “Heifer” trademarks and mandates the destruction of all materials bearing the infringing marks. Nominal damages and costs were also awarded to the plaintiff. Continue Reading Heifer’s Bullish Trademark Strategy Prevails: Court Grants Permanent Injunction
The Delhi High Court analyzed a trademark dispute between Relaxo Footwears Limited and XS Brands Consultancy over the use of the ‘X’ device mark. Despite Relaxo’s claims of prior use, the court found in favor of XS Brands, citing the limited likelihood of consumer confusion and the crowded trademark register. Continue Reading Whose mark got the ‘X’ Factor? Relaxo Footwear vs XS Brands
The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM) has released the schedule for the Trade Marks Agent Examination and Patent Agent Examination for 2025. These examinations are crucial for individuals aiming to become registered intellectual property agents. The exams will take place in various cities across India on 4th and 5th January 2025. Continue Reading Announcement: Patent and Trademark Agent Examinations 2025 by Indian IP Office
The Madras High Court ruled in favor of MRF Limited in a trademark and copyright infringement case against Powermax Rubber Factory and Powermax Tyre, granting a permanent injunction and awarding nominal damages. The court found Powermax’s use of similar logos likely to cause consumer confusion and mislead the public. Continue Reading MRF’s Trademark Muscle Secures Victory in Dispute Against Powermax
The Calcutta High Court has set aside a refusal order by a Senior Examiner of Trademarks against the registration of the trademark ‘ELECTRONICA.’ The Court directed a new hearing and a reasoned order, highlighting procedural fairness in trademark registration processes. Continue Reading Another Dis’connected’ order by the registry, set aside by the Court
On June 13, 2024, the Bombay High Court granted Glenmark an interim injunction against Gleck Pharma in a trademark dispute over “ZITA-MET” and “XIGAMET”. The court found that the similarities between the trademarks could confuse consumers, leading to potential health risks, and applied strict standards to prevent such confusion. Continue Reading Diabetic Product XigaMet Loses to ZitaMet Under Heightened Pharma Trademark Scrutiny
The Delhi High Court enforced a decree favoring Glaxo Group Limited against Mr. Rajiv Mukul, restraining the use of ‘BETNEVIN’ due to trademark infringement of ‘BETNESOL’. The Court upheld that infringement determination could be made in an execution petition to enforce the decree of injunction. Continue Reading Glaxo’s BETNESOL vs Zee’s BETNEVIN : Who do you BET on?
Crocs Inc. successfully filed a rectification petition to remove the trademark CROCKSCLUB, securing sole rights to the CROCS trademark in India. The court ruled in favor of Crocs Inc., highlighting the likelihood of confusion and risk of association with CROCS goods.
Continue Reading Crocs croaks out its clone! Court Cancels ‘Crocksclub’ trademark
The Calcutta High Court ruled that while Emami could not establish trademark infringement, it succeeded in its passing off claim against Unilever’s ‘Glow and Handsome’. The court ordered Unilever to cease using the mark within a month, upholding Emami’s rights and protecting its brand reputation. Continue Reading Emami vs Unilever : Court says No “Glow” to Unilever’s “Handsome”