The Delhi High Court set aside the refusal order for the ‘DISPOWAY’ trademark after confirming that Disposafe Health And Life Care Limited did not receive the hearing notice. The court remanded the matter to the Registrar of Trademarks, directing the issuance of a fresh notice and restoration of the application. Continue Reading DISPOWAY Trademark Disposal Set Aside: Hearing Notice Not Received
The Calcutta High Court ruled in favor of Girnar Food & Beverages Pvt. Ltd., overturning the Registrar’s decision and quashing the registration of a deceptively similar ‘HAATHI’ mark by Bicrampore Tea Estate. This ruling underscores the significance of consumer perception and the potential for deception in trademark disputes. Continue Reading Jumbo Tramples Haathi Trademark Registration
The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (CGPDTM) has issued a directive for the re-validation of trademark applications processed by officers hired through the Quality Council of India. The process will involve a two-tier review system to ensure accuracy and compliance with current legal provisions, with a goal of processing 250 applications per day. Continue Reading Indian IP Office Orders Re-evaluation of Trademark Applications
The Gujarat High Court’s decision in the Unisn vs. Unison case provides critical insights into evaluating trademark infringement. The court emphasized a holistic view of trademarks, considering the distinctiveness of goods and services, thereby ruling out the likelihood of confusion. This case reinforces the importance of product differentiation in trademark disputes. Continue Reading Evaluating Trademark Infringement: Holistic View and Goods Differentiation to Determine Likelihood of Confusion
The Bombay High Court in Atyati vs. Cognizant emphasized the critical need for full and transparent disclosure in ex-parte injunctions, ruling against Atyati for suppressing material facts. This case highlights the importance of integrity in the judicial process, especially in intellectual property disputes. Continue Reading Full and Transparent Disclosure of Material Facts for Ex-parte Injunctions
In a landmark decision, the Bombay High Court granted Novartis AG an ad-interim injunction against Novarish Healthcare Private Limited for trademark infringement. Novartis successfully argued that Novarish’s use of the “NOVARISH” mark was deceptively similar to its well-known “NOVARTIS” trademark, leading to the court’s decision to protect Novartis’s intellectual property rights. Continue Reading Novartis says No to Novarish
The Srinagar Bench of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court dismissed an appeal by Emerge Classes in a trademark passing off case. The court emphasized that minor differences in trademarks do not necessarily make them distinct, upholding the injunction in favor of KIE and its associated entities. Continue Reading Did Emerge Classes’ mark fail the ‘passing off’ test?
Glaxo Group Limited secured a legal victory in a trade dress dispute against Qpharm Health Care Limited. The Delhi High Court restrained Qpharm from using deceptively similar packaging and ordered the removal of infringing listings from third-party websites, protecting Glaxo’s established trademarks. Continue Reading Similarity Overdose : Glaxo’s trade dress vs Qpharm’s trade dress
Girnar Food & Beverages Pvt. Ltd. wins a significant legal battle as the Calcutta High Court cancels The North-Western Cachar Tea Co. Ltd.’s trademark registration. The Court cited brand confusion and insufficient evidence of use by North-Western.
Continue Reading Tusk of War : Girnar’s Jumbo Overpowers North-Western’s Haathi
The Madras High Court ruled in favor of Sebille Educations, asserting that phonetic similarity takes precedence over visual differences in the trademark dispute between “Little Einsteins” and “Little Einsteinz,” emphasizing the importance of protecting established brands from deceptively similar marks. Continue Reading Madras HC on Phonetic Similarity: Little Einsteins vs. Little Einsteinz