Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

Trademark News

Netflix Collaborates with Mattel for “He-Man”, A2B Takes Down Chennai Ananda Bhavan, MGM Stops a Chinese Copycat in China, Adidas Taps Professional Gamer Ninja for New Shoes, and more

Netflix Collaborates with Mattel for “He-Man”, A2B Takes Down Chennai Ananda Bhavan,  MGM Stops a Chinese Copycat in China, Adidas Taps Professional Gamer Ninja for New Shoes, and more brought to you by the Trademark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsel. INDIAN TRADEMARK UPDATES A2B Takes Down Chennai Ananda Bhavan Adyar Ananda Bhavan Sweets and Snacks, more popularly known as A2B, the registered trademark owners of the marks Adayar Ananda Bhavan and A2B logo since 1988, filed a suit seeking permanent injunction…

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Trademark Statistics  x

Trademark Registry Witnesses a slow Holiday Season

Trademark Registry witnesses a slow Holiday Season witnessing a decrease of 32 percent in total hearing notices issued, a decrease of 651 in the total applications published in the trademark journal and more. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays. INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS Last week, the Indian Trademark Office had a slow week in its working capacity as can be seen from the statistics in the table below. The total number…

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Upcoming Intellectual Property (IP) Events by Intellepedia

Upcoming IP Events – Fast tracking Patents, Music of Copyrights, and Learn Patent Searching and Data Analysis Skills/Techniques

BananaIP's Intellepedia is organising three IP Events during the next four weeks. They are being held at BananaIP's office in Bangalore. You may register for the events by visiting the links provided hereunder. At a Glance Fastracking Patents in India: Getting a Patent in One Year - 20th December 2019 (2PM to 4PM) - BananaIP's Office (3rd Floor) - Register Online The Music of Copyrights - 3rd January , 2020 (2PM to 4PM) - BananaIP's Office (3rd Floor) - Register…

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Trademark News

Dream11 Scores Big, Nike’s Battle for its Swoosh, Flipkart Collaborates with Nokia and more

Dream11 Scores Big, JJ Chicken to Tap Indian Market, Flipkart Collaborates with Nokia and more, brought to you by the Trademark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsel. INDIAN TRADEMARK UPDATES Nike Fights for its Swoosh Nike Innovate, the registered trademark owners of the marks NIKE, SWOOSH device and NIKE AIR filed a suit seeking permanent injunction against Shoesnation, a retail trader of footwear based out of New Delhi and Himanshu Gupta & Shubham Garg trading as M/s. SRG Plastic Company (hereinafter referred…

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Trademark Statistics

2.76 Lakhs Trademarks granted so far this Year by Indian Trademark Registry

109% increase in total number of applications published in the trademark journal this week, a decrease of 2338 in the total number of hearing notices issued this week and more. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays. INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS Last week, the Indian Trademark Office had a mixed week in its working capacity as can be seen from the statistics in the table below. The total number of applications published…

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Dancing with Intellectual Property

Dancing with Intellectual Property: A Presentation by Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala

On December 13th, 2019, BananaIP Counsels conducted a seminar titled "Dancing with Intellectual Property" at its office in Bangalore. The event was attended by dancers, performers, and dance instructors, and witnessed active exchanges on the need for IP awareness for those in the field. Dr. Kalyan, Managing Partner of BananaIP Counsels, started the session with a discussion on the different types of intellectual property that could exist in a dance performance, and how each form of IP could be protected. He…

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Trademark News

Novartis Trademark JALRA to be acquired for 200 crores, Private Company Acquires .Org Registry and more

Novartis Trademark JALRA to be acquired for 200 crores, Injunction against Nike’s slogan, and more, brought to you by the Trademark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsel. INDIAN TRADEMARK UPDATES USV to acquire JALRA trademark for 200 crores USV Pvt Ltd, Mumbai based drugmaker is in advanced discussions to acquire the trademark 'JALRA', the anti-diabetic drug from Novartis, for a deal valued at over 200 crores. JALRA in isolation or in combination is used to treat type II diabetes in patients. JALRA…

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Trademark Statistics  x

655 Registration Certificates Issued this Week, 7738 New Trademark Applications Filed this Week and more

655 Registration Certificates Issued this Week, 28% Increase in total applications disposed through show cause hearings, and more. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays. INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS Last week, the Indian Trademark Office had an overall increase in its working capacity as can be seen from the statistics in the table below. The total number of registrations granted has increased by twelve percent (12%). Similarly, the total number of applications…

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Can Photographs infringe Dance Choreography Copyright?

Can Photographs infringe Dance Choreography Copyright?

Can you take photographs of a dance performance and publish them in an article or a book? This question came up before a US Court in the 1980s, a few years after choreography was added as a copyrightable work under the US Copyright Law. The case related to a popular choreographic work of George Balanchine, a renowned ballet master. Balanchine choreographed his own version of the ballet The Nutcracker, set to music by Tchaikovsky. The Nutcracker was a very popular…

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The Fight for Martha Graham's Copyrights and Trademarks in Technique, Style, Choreography, Sets, Jewellery, Costumes and Music.

The Fight for Martha Graham’s Copyrights and Trademarks in Technique, Style, Choreography, Sets, Jewellery, Costumes and Music

Martha Graham is well known for her modern dance technique, choreography, sets, costumes, jewellery and other creative work, and she is today a legend in dance circles. Her unique technique and style is referred to as Martha Graham Technique or Graham's Technique after her name. Martha Graham was quite protective of her creative work, and allowed very few dance companies to perform her choreographies during her life time. In her effort to finance her creative work and promote/disseminate her technique/style,…

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BananaIP Counsels

No.40, 3rd Main Road, JC Industrial Estate, Kanakapura Road, Bangalore – 560 111 (Old – 560 062)

Telephone: +91-76250 93758+91-80-49536207 | +91-80-26860414/24/34
Email: contact@bananaip.com

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BananaIP Counsels

Office Address

No.40, 3rd Main Road,  JC Industrial Estate, Kanakapura Road, Bangalore – 560 111 (Old – 560 062).

Telephone: +91-76250 93758 | +91-80-49536207 | +91-80-26860414/24/34

Email: contact@bananaip.com

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