This week’s Patent & Design data has been compiled from the Official Journal of the Patents and Designs published by the patent office on the 10th of July 2020. These statistics are presented to you by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Intellectual Property Firm.
A total of 646 patent applications have been published in the 28th issue of the Patent Journal, 2020. Out of the 646 applications published in the…
1.58 Lakhs trademarks filed in 2020 till date, Increase of 16% in the total number of trademark applications published in the Trademark Journal, Increase of 2908 applications examined by Trademark Office this week. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays.
There has been a nineteen (19)% increase in the total number of trademark applications examined this week. Similarly, there has been an increase of sixteen (16)% in the…
ISKCON declared as a well-known trademark, Move over Fair & Lovely, it’s now Glow & Lovely time, Qualcomm, Flipkart, and HRX unite to launch wireless audio devices and more brought to you by the Trademark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsel.
ISKCON Declared as a Well-Known Trademark
International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), had filed an application in the High Court of Bombay, seeking a permanent injunction to restrain Iskcon Apparel, a Delhi based clothing manufacturer, from using the…
In this week’s Patent News – New MoU enables patents registered in South Korea to have the same effect in Laos; USPTO launches Fast-Track Appeals Pilot Program; Baidu joins Open Invention Network; China to establish 33 centers to strengthen IPR protection; KIPO adopts 14 methods to boost IP Financial Investment market to 1.3 trillion by 2024; WIPO to host Intellectual Property Judges Forum and other news updates.
New MoU enables patents registered in South…
This week’s Patent & Design data has been compiled from the Official Journal of the Patents and Designs published by the patent office on the 3rd of July 2020. These statistics are presented to you by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Intellectual Property Firm.
A total of 625 patent applications have been published in the 27th issue of the Patent Journal, 2020. Out of the 625 applications published in the…
Further Extension for Deadline to be Decided by the Delhi High Court
Intellepedia Publication Date: 24th June 2020
In the last public notice issued by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (CGPDTM) dated 18-05-2020, it had stated that the deadlines issued by it from 25-03-2020 to 17-05-2020 with respect to the due dates for the completion of various acts/proceedings has been scraped and the new deadlines shall be applicable from 15-03-2020 to 01-06-2020.
However, on 19-06-2020, CGPDTM has issued…
This guest post is authored by Meena Annamalai, a fourth year law student from the School of Excellence in Law, Tamil Nadu, Dr. Ambedkar Law University
Indian jurisprudence saw the birth of Standard Essential Patent (SEP) litigation only in 2009 when Koninklijke Philips Electronic N.V filed two suits in the Delhi High Court (DHC) alleging infringement of its Patent which was a SEP for a DVD Video Player. The judgment[i] pronounced by the DHC in this case…
This guest post has been authored by Sherry Shukla, a 2nd year B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) student at National Law University, Nagpur and Arpit Lahoti, 3rd year B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) student at National Law University, Nagpur.
Any new product created, i.e., the information in its pure form, is a form of a public good, making it both non-excludable and non-rivalrous. Copyright allows the producer to internalize more of the benefits incurred of the formation of the work, i.e., and it makes internalization of work’s…
In this week’s Patent News – ISRO's patent generates buzz, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group joins the Open Invention Network; UKIPO brings an end to “interrupted days,” regular operations will resume on 30th July 2020 and other news updates.
Indian Patent Updates
ISRO's patent generates buzz
News reports were abuzz last week after the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) obtained a patent for the invention "A LIQUID COOLING AND HEATING GARMENT". ISRO filed a patent application for the…
This week’s Patent & Design data has been compiled from the Official Journal of the Patents and Designs published by the patent office on the 26th of June 2020. These statistics are presented to you by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Intellectual Property Firm.
A total of 791 patent applications have been published in the 26th issue of the Patent Journal, 2020. Out of the 791 applications published in the…