This weekly Trademark Office data has been compiled from dynamic data published by the Trademark Office as updated till 20th October, 2021. These statistics are presented to you by the Trademark and Copyright team of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Intellectual Property Firm.
Indian Trademark Statistics
A decrease of twenty-five percent (25%) in the total number of trademark applications examined by the Trademark Office this week. A total of four thousand one hundred and ninety-four (4194) applications were examined. These statistics have…
This is a rundown of last week’s news updates on Privacy:
Data Protection Bill report to be finalised
The Parliamentary Joint Select Committee is set to finalise its report on the Data Protection Bill following a reshuffle of its members. Reports suggest that no substantial changes will be brought about to the Bill, however, certain members are said to hold objections to a single Data Protection Authority for the country, with a suggestion to create Data Protection Authorities for States. Suggestions…
This is a rundown of last week’s news updates on Antitrust:
Allegations of Amazon India's anticompetitive practices sparks demand for US antitrust probe
Ecommerce giant Amazon is accused of manipulating search results to boost its own product lines. Thousands of pages of internal Amazon documents show the company ran a systematic campaign. The Confederation of All India Traders, a group representing India's brick-and-mortar retailers, called for a government investigation of Amazon. An exposé by Reuters has shown how the business copied…
Saregama India Limited v. Next Radio Limited & Ors.
The Apex Court, in the instant case, set aside an interim order passed by the Madras High Court, which held that copyrighted material cannot be broadcasted without prior notice as per Rule 29(4) of the Copyright Rules, 2013. The High Court had modified specific provisions of the Rule and applied it to the broadcasters, by opining that the Rule lacked flexibility and created difficulties for the broadcasters. The mandate to furnish…
Muthoot Finance Limited vs Shalini Kalra & Ors
In this case, the Plaintiff, Muthoot Finance Limited, a non-banking financial institution, provided business and personal loans against the deposit of gold jewellery. As a part of this business the Plaintiff had to maintain proprietary and confidential information related to its vast customer base in the form of a database which in turn constituted a ‘literary work’ as under Section 2(o) of the Copyright Act, 1957 and it also amounted to trade…
Geetanjali Studio Private V. Nuxi To Kut N Kurl Private Limited
In this case, Geetanjali Studio Private, the Plaintiff filed an application under Order 39 Rule 1 and 2 of the Civil Procedure Code 1908 seeking prima facie ex-parte injunction to restrain Nuxi To Kut N Kurl Private Limited, the Defendant, from offering for sale of any services or goods under the marks GEETANJALI, GEETANJALI SALON, GEETANJALI STUDIO or any other identical or deceptively similar marks. The Plaintiff entered into…
Hindustan Unilever Limited v. Vansh Cosmetic and Anr
In this case, the Plaintiff was the true proprietor of the marks “LAKME”, “LAKME NINE TO FIVE, NINE TO FIVE”, “9 to 5”, “LAKME EYECONIC”, “LAKME ABSOLUTE”, “LAKME ABSOLUTE WHITE INTENSE”, “LAKME ABSOLUTE ARGAN OIL RADIANCE” and many others, which had been successful in the market since 2011. Around July 2021, it was found that the Defendants were selling the counterfeit cosmetic products/goods of “LAKME” brand the counterfeit products were a blatant…
This week's Patent and Design data has been compiled from the Official journal of patents and designs, published by the patent office on the 13th of October 2021. These statistics are presented to you by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Intellectual Property Firm.
A total of 534 patent applications have been published in the 42nd issue of the Patent Journal, 2021. Out of the 534 applications published in the journal, 147 applications account…
This weekly Trademark Office data has been compiled from dynamic data published by the Trademark Office as updated till 13th October, 2021. These statistics are presented to you by the Trademark and Copyright team of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Intellectual Property Firm.
Indian Trademark Statistics
A decrease of four percent (4%) in the total number of trademark applications examined by the Trademark Office this week. A total of five thousand six hundred and twenty-one (5621) applications were examined. These statistics have…
This week's Patent and Design data has been compiled from the Official journal of patents and designs, published by the patent office on the 8th of October 2021. These statistics are presented to you by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Intellectual Property Firm.
A total of 1,176 patent applications have been published in the 41st issue of the Patent Journal, 2021. Out of the 1,176 applications published in the journal, 89 applications account…