Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

The image depicts IP India's logo. The post is about new biotech guidelines from indian patent office. Click on the image to read the full post.

CGPDT and DSLSA join hands to dispose of pending IP disputes

  There is no doubt that there is a backlog of cases at various IP offices in India. Recently some initiatives have been taken to make India’s IP dispute resolution system speedier and more efficient. The initiatives come from two fronts-Commercial Courts and Mediation. The Civil Procedure Code (Amendment) Act, 1999 introduced Section 89, which speaks about arbitration, conciliation and mediation as alternative dispute settlement mechanisms. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 (modeled on the lines of the UNCITRAL Model Law)…

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The featured image is the portrait of Ada Lovelace. This post is about ada lovelace - the first computer programmer in the world. Her invention led to several patents in the field of IT. To read more click here.

Happy Women’s Day – An invention that made all the ‘difference’.

Hello there dear readers. This post commemorates every woman without whom man would probably find life an impossible experience. There are no second thoughts that over the last few decades or so, women have come on par with men in almost every field. Be it sports, arts or literature, women are giving their male counterparts a run for their money. Women these days hold some of the top positions in several big business organizations and women entrepreneurs are continuously setting…

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The image depicts the Apple Inc logo against a glass building. The post is about a suit for anti-competitive practice and copyright against apple. To read more click here.

EBook Price Fixing is Anti-Competitive – Apple’s Appeal Rejected by US Supreme Court

In April, 2012, an anti-trust suit was filed against Apple for conspiring with book publishers to fix prices. The publishers agreed to give Apple a thirty percent margin in return for letting them control prices of eBooks on Apple Store. Amazon was at that time offering the eBooks as low as 9.99 dollars, and as a result the price of eBooks went up to 12.99 and 14.99 dollars. This was Apple's ploy to popularize its IPAD, which was launched in…

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The featured image shows the Mercedez hood ornament. The post is about a recent Court ruling by the ECJ. TO read more click here.

EU Court rules against Mercedes-Benz: No Trade mark Infringement for Online Advertisements.

  This post is about an interesting case relating to the use of the trade mark "MERCEDES-BENZ" by Együd Garage Gépjárműjavító és Értékesítő Kft. (‘Együd Garage’) in advertisements on the internet. The garage stated that it is an authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer. This case is filed by Daimler AG ('Daimler'), an automobile manufacturer which is the proprietor of the international trade mark "MERCEDES-BENZ" which is also protected in Hungary. The defendant is Együd Garage, a Hungarian company specializing in the retail sale of Daimler…

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Image of chemist and entrepreneur Stephanie Kwolek. The image is a screenshot from the Women in Chemistry video, created by the Chemical Heritage Foundation, in which she discusses her work. The post discusses imporatnt patents/ inventions y women inventors. To read more click here.

Women’s Day (Patent) Series- The women behind the invention of Kevlar

Fabrics that can save lives were unthinkable before the 19th century! Many soldiers and law officers are indebted to one woman's invention which has saved their lives, time and again. Stephanie Kwolek, one of the first women research chemists, was a famous inventor who gained national recognition in 1960 for her work with long molecule chains at low temperatures. In 1971, she made a very important discovery which led to the invention of Kevlar, a synthetic material that is five…

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The image is of a syringe as the post is about the first syringe patent. To read more click here.

Women’s Day Series: The woman behind the syringe patent

Everyone is well aware about the medical syringe consisting of a cylinder with a nozzle and a piston for injecting or withdrawing fluids. But most of us don’t know the history behind it which has helped mankind over the past 120 years. Here is an interesting post that gives you an insight to the history of the medical syringe. On Feb 12, 1896, Letitia Mumford Geer, an American lady filed for a patent application that discloses a medical syringe.…

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The image is of a car heater as the post is about the history of car heater. To read more click here. To read more click here.

Women’s Day Series: A patent that made your long drives more comfortable

“We must look to the limitless potential that lies ahead. To win the future, we must equip the young women of today with the knowledge, skills and equal access to reach for the promise of tomorrow” - President Barack Obama It might come as a surprise to some of us but it was actually against the law for women to file patents in their own names, until the late 1800s. This meant that they had to file their inventions under…

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The image is of Mary Anderson, patentee of the windsheild wiper. The post discusses about her and her invention. To read more click here .

Women’s Day Series: Mary Anderson – Patentee of clear vision.

"As the world evolves, so too does the growing role of women who are proving their infinite capabilities in today's complex workplace, and exhibiting a new usefulness now and for the future."- Mary Anderson You may have never heard of the inventor featured in this post, but you have most definitely used her invention a hundred times, especially during rain or snow.  Mary Anderson (1866-1953), was a native of Birmingham, Alabama. She was an American real estate developer, rancher, viticulturist and an inventor. The…

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One IP issue out of OSS Community’s way – SCO Vs. IBM Litigation Ends

  One of the first IP litigations to hit the open source community was the suit filed by SCO against IBM in 2003. In the suit, SCO alleged IBM of breach of contract, copyright infringement and trade secret misappropriation, among others. It alleged that IBM's insertion of portions of UNIX, owned by SCO, into LINUX, amounts to liability on various counts including copyright infringement. SCO initially claimed damages to the tune of one billion dollars, which was later increased to three…

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The image is of a fire escape as the post talks about the first fire escape patent. To read more click here.

Women’s Day Series: Patented inventions by some real life heroines

"Women are always saying, 'We can do anything that men can do.' But Men should be saying, 'We can do anything that women can do.'" —Gloria Steinem Hello readers, as most of us may know 8th March is celebrated as International Women’s day. The day is celebrated to honour women’s achievements all over the world, without any regards to restrictions like race, language, ethnicity etc. Even though the International Women’s Day celebration has its roots in the activities of labour…

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