These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays.
The Indian Trademark Office has had a slow week. The total number of applications published in the trademark journal have increased by sixty one percent (61%). However, there has been a decrease of fifty one percent (51%) in the total hearing notices issued, and also a decrease of twenty two percent (22%) in the total applications disposed through show cause hearings.
This post was first published on December 24, 2014.
Laws alone cannot eliminate copyright infringements. For the Copyright Law to take its course, there have to be effective detection of infringements and identification of infringers. Furthermore, as with any property rights, owners of copyrighted content have to take certain measures to protect their copyrights before expecting law enforcement to aid them. DRMs and ETMs are such measures a copyright owner is expected to take in order to protect his copyrights…
This post was first published on November 03, 2014.
An article published in The Hindu on October 24, 2014, talks about the silent in-sourcing movement in Multi-National Companies. Organisations such as General Motors, focussing on in-sourcing IT operations during the last three years, and Astra Zeneca, setting up a captive unit in Chennai to move a large portion of global IT operations, have been cited in the news report as examples to highlight the growing in-sourcing phenomenon. One of the…
This post was first published on November 12, 2014.
There is nothing more refreshing than a pint of chilled beer and a hearty chat with friends after a generally lousy week. But beware! You may be infringing a patent while sipping down the chilled “barley juice”. Here is why - Below is the description of a patent granted for the “Method of Presenting Beer” which is our Wacky Patent No. 1.
US Patent No. 8,240,155 B2 relates to a Method…
This post was first published on December 05, 2014.
The world is facing a lot of problems like energy crisis, border disputes, international security issues and the deadliest of all, the Nuke! The world is trying to combat these issues, both individually and collectively, and yet is unable to come up with a comprehensive solution. But Arthur Paul Pedrick came up with a one-stop shop for all global concerns with his invention titled, Earth Orbital bombs as Nuclear Deterrents.
The patent…
Author: Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala
Data Mining in today's context is not limited to collection, organisation, management, searching and displaying of relevant data, it means much more than that, and includes creation of information, knowledge and intelligence from data sets, among others. At a basic level, data mining involves extraction of data, which is mostly done by using data mining software, applications or tools, and analysing the extracted data for a defined purpose. The data sets extracted may be further used…
This post was first published on December 19, 2014.
Just a few months ago, this particular cellular company took the market by storm and made its stand in the 3rd rank of the world's cellular companies. It not only pleased consumers, but also gave tough competition to leading brands in the market. As a matter fact, the phones sold like hot cakes within minutes of its release on one of the biggest online shopping destinations, Flipkart. More recently, the company got into…
This post was first published on October 15, 2014.
The Intellectual Property Regime in the Republic of Maldives, the smallest Asian country in population and in area, is an interesting study. In order to comply with the TRIPS Agreement, the Maldives Government (referred to as GOM) enacted the Copyright Law in April, 2011, and thereafter spread public awareness of Copyright Law through TV and radio programs, Government announcements, school events and meetings with relevant media and entertainment sector associations.…
Govt to Make E-commerce Guidelines Mandatory, Govt Relaxes FDI Norms for Single-Brand Retail, Ali Express Opens Brick and Mortar Store in Spain, Flipkart Inks Management Deal with Nautica, Google Launches Video Game Streaming Service, Hasbro to Acquire EOne for USD 4 Billion, Disney’s Aladdin and Lion King Video Games to be Upgraded, and more.
E-Commerce Law News
Govt to Make E-commerce Guidelines Mandatory
Ram Vilas Paswan, the minister for consumer affairs, has recently confirmed that in order to protect the interest of…
Another Content Ownership Controversy for TikTok, Copyright Office: No License Required for Use of Songs in Marriages, Musician Sues “Baby Shark” Producers for Copyright Infringement, Producer Sues Drake for Copyright Infringement of Beats, RIAA Refuses to Share “Six-Strikes” Results with Cox, Eminem’s Publisher Sues Spotify for Copyright Infringement, and more.
National News
Another Content Ownership Controversy for TikTok
Online video-sharing platform TikTok has found itself in the middle of a content ownership controversy yet again. TikTok had sent takedown notices to social…