Superdry Collaborates with IMG, ChemDry Franchise in India, Miss India Domain Dispute and more, brought to you by the Trademark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsel.
“Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time” - Elon Musk
Apollo Hospitals’ Enforces Trademark
Apollo Hospitals, the leading chain of multi-speciality hospitals in India, filed a trademark infringement suit against Sai Apollo Pharmacy for rendering pharmacy services under the mark “SRI SAI APOLLO PHARMACY”.…
Industrial designs or design patents (as commonly referred to in the US) refers to the shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation or composition of lines or colour or combination thereof applied to any article whether two dimensional or three dimensional and capable of judged solely by the eye. In the simplest words, it refers to the way a product looks. As for what can be protected under the designs law? nearly any and every article that can be manufactured can be…
IPR policy guidelines published, Heads of UKIPO, EPO and USPTO discuss global patent system and more
DPIIT floats draft guidelines for implementation of IPR policy in academic institutions, Capcom wins patent infringement lawsuit in Japan, Bridgestone claims victory in China in patent infringement case, Heads of UKIPO, EPO and USPTO discuss global patent system and more patent news.
Patent News updates from India
DPIIT floats draft guidelines for implementation of IPR policy in academic institutions
The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has published a 23-page ‘Draft model guidelines on implementation of IPR…
These patent and design statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the patents and designs office published by the patent office every week on Fridays. These statistics are presented to you by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm.
Indian Patent Statistics
A total of 887 patent applications have been published in the 37th issue of the Patent Journal, 2019. Out of the 887 applications published in the journal, 45 applications account for…
Chhichhore Leaked on Tamilrockers, Netflix Faces Third Suit over Fyre Festival Documentary, German News Publisher Sues Google for Non-Payment, Nintendo Seeking Damages from Infringing Website, CASE Act to Ease Financial Burden of Fighting Copyright Theft, US Court Declares Use of Picasso’s Works Fair Use, USD 10 million Right of Publicity Lawsuit Filed Against Facebook and Reddit, Netflix Partners with Dharmatic Entertainment, Spotify Acquires SoundBetter, Disney to Sell Gaming Division and more.
National News
Chhichhore Leaked on Tamilrockers
The notorious website, Tamilrockers, known…
These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays.
Last week, the Indian Trademark Office have had a decrease in its work pace. The total number of applications disposed through show cause hearings has decreased by thirty eight percent (38%). Similarly, the total registrations granted has decreased by twenty eight percent (28%). However, there has been an increase of seventeen percent (17%) in the applications published in the trademark journal.
This post was first published on November 18, 2014.
Here is the first post in the series of Student Blog Contest. This post is authored by Pallavi Singh.
Intellectual Property Rights are legally recognized exclusive rights to protect creations of the mind. Along with human creativity and inventiveness, IPR is all around us. Almost every product or service that we use in our daily lives is the result of a long chain of big or small innovation, such as changes…
There is a decrease of 12% in the total number of copyright applications filed for the month of August as compared to the month of July. A total of 1664 applications were filed in the month of August, 2019. The majority of applications were filed for literary works and artistic works.
Sl. No
Type of Work
Number of Application Filed in the Month of July 2019
Number of Application Filed in the Month of August 2019
Percentage Change
Literary/ Dramatic Work
Decrease of 6%
Artistic Work
After the Wynk decision of the Bombay High Court, which came to the conclusion that internet broadcasting is not covered under Section 31D of the Copyright Act, the record labels are on a drive to convince the Government, industry and academics that statutory licensing does not provide fair value to sound recording holders. Their efforts seem to have doubled and tripled after publication of the draft Copyright Rules, 2019, which proposed to include internet broadcasting within the scope of statutory…
Indian Trademark Statistics for September (First Week), Ariana Grande Sues Forever 21 for 10 Million, Salman Khan to Launch Gym Franchise and more, brought to you by the Trademark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsel.
“Brand is the promise, the big idea, the expectations that reside in each customer's mind about a product, service or company. Branding is about making an emotional connection” -Alina Wheeler
Cornetto Defends its Little Horn
Unilever PLC, filed a trademark…