Christmas has come early for patent applicants in India! In an attempt to reduce patent pendency periods and improve the quality of search and examination of patent applications, the Union Cabinet on Tuesday (20th of November 2019) formally approved a proposal for Bilateral Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Program between the Indian patent office and patent offices of various other interested countries/regions.
This approval comes after the Government set the ball rolling for faster examination of patents and grants earlier this…
Amitabh Bachchan’s Film Accused of Copyright Infringement; Supreme Faces Copyright Infringement Suit Over Camo Print; Nirvana Files Copyright Infringement Suit Against Marc Jacobs; IPRS files FIR Against YRF for Allegedly Duping Artists and Musicians; Jay Z Settles Copyright Infringement Lawsuit; Taylor Swift’s Former Label No Longer Blocking Her Live Performances; Madhubala’s Biopic by Imtiaz Ali Put on Hold and more.
Supreme Faces Copyright Infringement Suit Over Camo Print
Supreme, the American designer clothing, is being sued…
40% Increase Recorded in Disposal through Trademark Hearings this Week, 8% Decrease in Registrations Granted this Week and more. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays.
Last week, the Indian Trademark Office had an overall increase in its working capacity as can be seen from the statistics in the table below. The total number of applications disposed through show cause hearings has increased by forty percent…
Fox Files Trademark for Viral Internet Phrase “OK Boomer”, Can Artists Use Trademarks in Their Works?, Darjeeling Green and White Teas Registered as GI, Qatar Tourism Council Wins Cybersquatting Case against Travel Booking Site, and more brought to you by the Trademark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsel.
Centre Cracks Down on Brands Illegally Using ‘Agmark’
Hatsun, the largest private sector dairy company in India, is among 33 companies that have been directed to cease using the ‘Agmark’ certification…
In this week’s Patent News - Amazon launches Project Zero in India; NRDC to offer full support to MSME’s in protecting IP Rights; Delhi Metropolitan University to organize Faculty Development Program on IPR; DRDO offers royalty free access to Patent Portfolio; WIPO publishes World IP Report, 2019; LG files patent infringement lawsuit against TCL; 3M and Sia Abrasives settle infringement dispute; Intellectual Property Office of Singapore and Japan sign MoU; EPO and CNIPA enhance bilateral cooperation; Irish Patents Office to…
Google LLC v CNIL
ECLI:EU:C:2019:772; Grand Chamber, European Union
Decided on 24th September, 2019
This right to privacy case between Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (CNIL), the Plaintiff, and Google LLC., the Defendant deals with the personal data of a natural person and the protection of such individuals with regard to the processing of personal data in the European Union (EU).
However, the conflict of the case was whether search engine operators were required to de-reference links to personal information globally…
This week’s Patent & Design data has been compiled from the Official Journal of the Patents and Designs Office published by the patent office on the 15th of November 2019. These statistics are presented to you by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Intellectual Property Firm.
A total of 714 patent applications have been published in the 46th issue of the Patent Journal, 2019. Out of the 714 applications published in the…
Alibaba Smashes Records with $38 Billion Singles’ Day Sales; Ferrari To Limit Licensing in Bid to Bolster Luxury Image; With Instagram’s Reel, Facebook is Stepping Up the Offensive Against TikTok; Nike Pulls its Products from Amazon; Govt. Releases New Draft Consumer Protection Rules for E-Commerce; Disney+ Launches with Massive First-Day Subscriptions; Netflix Inks Multi-Year Deal with Nickelodeon and more.
Alibaba Smashes Records with $38 Billion Singles’ Day Sales
Shrugging concerns of “weakening discretionary spending” and “more muted” demand from Chinese…
Netflix Wins Suit Against Pablo Escobar’s Girlfriend; James Dean to be Brought Back from the Dead; Internet Service Providers Liable for Illegal Uploads and Downloads; Singapore Retailer Jailed over Devices Illegally Streaming Premier League Matches; Ariana Grande’s $10 Million Fight Against Forever 21 Paused; Chanel West Coast Sued by Sharon Stone Over “Sharon Stoned”; Tencent Wins Copyright Infringement Suit Against NetEase and more.
Netflix Wins Suit Against Pablo Escobar’s Girlfriend
Virginia Vallejo, the Columbian author, whose character was famously portrayed…
Changes in patent rules and proactive steps of the patent office now make it possible to acquire patent grants within one year from the date of filing a patent application. The cost for acquiring the patent speedily is not very high, and business/financial benefits are significant.
BananaIP Counsels, a top-ranked patent firm in India, has over the years helped several of its clients acquire quick patent grants in India and internationally. The firm's highly specialised patent attorneys use substantive and procedural…