Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

The image has the logo of microblogging website Twitter. The post is about a beverage company being sued by a photographer for allegedly using his copyrighted work for a social media ad campaign. The photographer is also suing others for copyright infringement who have re-tweeted or shared his photograph. Click on image to view the post.

Thou shall not re-tweet!

  Dennis Flaherty, an American photographer is suing the beverage manufacturer Big Red Inc. for using his copyrighted photograph of Fort Alamo at night, in a social media marketing campaign. Well, this doesn’t seem out place, right? Companies making unauthorized use of a copyrighted work should be held responsible, and in many cases they are. But what if I were to say that Mr. Flaherty is not just suing Big Red, its employees and affiliates but also every other person who…

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Featured image is of EDM D.J. Joel Zimmerman a.k.a. DeadMau5 performing as the post is about his famous Mau5 ears and the trademark dispute with Disney. To read the post click here.

Disney finally dances to Deadmau5’s tune

Deadmau5   the Canadian progressive-house music producer who made his first tour of India last year had found himself in a trademark battle with the most loved mouse of all time, Mickey Mouse the well known cartoon character and the proud mascot of Disney.  The root of Deadmau5 - real name Joel Zimmerman's troubles was literally sitting on his head, his iconic Mau5head which he regularly wears during all his performances around the world. The Walt Disney Company Disney is fiercely  protective of…

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YouTube ordered to take down copyright infringing material

On July 1, 2015, Google owned video-sharing website YouTube won a legal battle against German performing rights organization GEMA in a German regional court. GEMA had claimed that Youtube should be liable to pay each time a video of an artist, represented by GEMA is viewed. GEMA represents several composers, lyricists, music publishers as its members in Germany and collects their royalty fees. This is not the first time that GEMA has engaged in a legal feud with YouTube. Even…

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Featured image is of the launch of Amish Tripathi's book Scion of Ikshvaku, as the post is related to the book and the copyright dispute between Westland and Flipkart. To read the post click here.

Liability of E-Retailers – A Copyright Battle

  Flipkart and Amazon (e-retail giants) are at loggerheads again. The matter concerns the online sale of Amish Tripathi’s book `Scion of Ikshvaku'. This time it is Flipkart which has been sued by the Westland, a Tata owned entity, for alleged infringement under both the copyright and IT Acts, for the unauthorized sale of the aforementioned book. According to Westland, they had entered into an exclusive agreement with Amazon for a period of two months to sell the book online. These…

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The featured image is of the copyright logo on a bomb, as the post is about assignment of copyright. To read the post click here.

Padmini and ors.Vs.Raj Television Network Limited

Case title Padmini and ors.Vs.Raj Television Network Limited Citation Original Application No. 763 of 2013 in C.S. No. 686 of 2013 (Decided On: 13.04.2015) Facts The plaintiffs are the legal heirs of R Venkatraman, who produced the Tamil film ‘Ninaithale Inikkum’ in the year 1979, under the ‘Premalaya’ banner. In 1981 Mr Venkatraman assigned the copyright in the negatives, of both picture and sound, of the said film to ‘Kumar Pictures’, by way of an assignment deed, for a period of…

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Featured image is of a computer code, as the post is based on it. To read the post click here

Copyright V. Privacy – Flash, Airtel, GitHub and Tejesh

Tejesh, based out of Bangalore, had allegedly discovered that browsing  on Airtel's 3G network was being slowed down by code that helps Airtel generate revenue from data services offered by the telecom service provider. After making the discovery, Tejesh posted the code along with screen shots on Git Hub. In response, Flash Networks, the owner of the code sent a cease and desist notice to Tejesh alleging copyright infringement. It also sent a DMCA take down notice to Git Hub,…

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Featured image is of jazz artist Billie Holiday as she sang the most famous version of "These Foolish Things", the song on which the post is based. To read the post click here

Copyright Dispute between Music Publishers

  American music publisher, Bourne Co., co-founded in 1919 by songwriter Irving Berlin, has initiated a copyright dispute lawsuit before the New York Supreme County Court against the UK-based Booey & Co. Ltd. alleging conspiracy to deprive Bourne Co. of its share of rights in the highly popular song ‘These Foolish Things’ written by Eric Maschwitz and  Jack Strachey. Released in 1936, renditions of the song were recorded by various artists including Billie Holiday, Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald as well as…

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Image of a court hammer has been used as the featured image, as the post is about a judgement

Copyright Contract Case: Phoolan Devi

There are some situations where contracts and Copyright Law overlap. You may have licensed your work to somebody else, transferring the copyrights you own over it, but there are still cases where you can claim authorship rights after the transfer. In this post, I shall be analyzing 2 cases in the Media & Entertainment industry where Section 57 of the Copyright Act can have an effect on Contracts for licensing of any literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work. One of the…

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The image depicts the a tag with Copyright written on it

Fighting Pirates – Copyright v. Privacy

The conflict between copyright enforcement and privacy has been one of the stumbling blocks in fighting online piracy. While proof of direct infringement by internet users is an essential element for action against online pirates, privacy of user data is an essential mandate to live and transact on the world wide web. Owing to privacy responsibilities of Internet Service Providers (ISPs), copyright holders find it very difficult, or impossible, to acquire details of internet users involved in downloading, uploading and…

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Copyright x

Models Sue for “use of persona”

  Five US models sued FashionGlama.com and two individuals for the use of their photographs (use of persona) for escort services, and on pornographic websites. These models had allegedly signed 6-month contracts for modelling services, and were shocked to find their photographs on unwelcome websites. The suit alleges fraud, misrepresentation, unauthorized use of photographs (use of persona), breach of reputation, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.   Though rarely pursued, such issues are very common in the Indian context as well. More…

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