Nature of the company: A small manufacturing company
Why they approached us:
- The company was making innovative products but did not have a system to analyze the same, and file for patents.
- The company was facing continuous copying of its innovations by competitors, and some times customers.
- Several instances of employee misappropriation of drawings, and other design data were happening, but the company could do nothing about it.
What did we do:
- Helped the company devise a simple system to assess their inventions in the light of their business goals
- Enabled IP filings for inventions/creations having business value.
- Implemented IP best practices, especially confidentiality agreements, notices, and information security measures.
- Developed an IP portfolio, including patents, trade marks, copyrights, designs, and trade secrets.
- Was able to prevent several instances of copying.
- Number of employee misappropriations reduced.
- Overall, the company started gaining credibility as an IP savvy company.