A Leading Automotive Company

Nature of the Company: Leading Automotive Company

Why they approached us:

  • Were facing difficulty in identifying and uncovering potential IP within the organization.
  • Lacked direction in patent portfolio development in the past.
  • Unhappy with the quality of patents provided by previous service provider

What did we do:

  • Performed a comprehensive IP audit/ Mining exercise through document review, interviews and extrinsic/intrinsic research.
  • Performed technology landscape and identified white spaces to help the R and D department reorganize their portfolio and channelize their research efforts.
  • Invention disclosure exercise and patentability analysis and patent drafting was taken up by our team comprising of members having strong technology and patent expertise.


  • Uncovered IP, created inventory and classified based on value of the IP to the company.
  • Helped the company establish and process/Mechanism to uncover IP effectively and efficiently in the future.
  • Analyzed 300 inventions to determine their value to the company and filed more than 100 applications with high and medium value to the company.
  • Company’s IP portfolio now has direction and has a clear emphasis from strategic investments in R and D to IP filings.

Connect with Us

BananaIP Counsels

No.40, 3rd Main Road, JC Industrial Estate, Kanakapura Road, Bangalore – 560 062.

Telephone: +91-76250 93758+91-80-49536207 | +91-80-26860414/24/34
Email: contact@bananaip.com

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