3781 Trademark Applications Filed this Week, 6% Increase in Trademark Examinations this Week.

3781 trademark applications filed this week, Decrease of 22% in total number of trademark applications disposed through show cause hearings. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays.


The Trademark Registry has started picking its pace gradually as the lockdown is easing. Further, there has been an increase of 6% in the total number of applications Examined by the Trademark Office.

Weekly Indian Trademark Statistics

Particulars Last Week This Week Change in %
Total Trademark Applications Examined by Trademark Office 2956 3119 An increase of 6%
Total Applications Disposed through Show Cause Hearings 671 523 A decrease of 22%
Total Applications Published in the Trademark Journal N/A 5329 An increase of 5329 %
Total Registrations Granted N/A N/A N/A
Total Hearing Notices Issued N/A N/A N/A
Total Renewal Notices Issued N/A N/A N/A

Trademark Statistics by Office
Total Number of New Applications Received between May 6th ,2020 to May 13th ,2020

 Sr. No Jurisdiction New Applications Examined Published Registered
1 AHMEDABAD 295 181 575 N/A
2 CHENNAI 860 262 911 N/A
3 DELHI 1649 586 1679 N/A
4 KOLKATA 183 104 245 N/A
5 MUMBAI 794 340 1220 N/A
Total   3781 1473 4630 N/A

Yearly Trademark Statistics

Trademark Statistics from January 1st, 2020 to May 13th, 2020

  • Total Number of Trademark Applications Filed – 101463
  • Total Number of Trademark Applications Examined – 39241
  • Total Number of Trademark Applications Published – 83419
  • Total Number of Trademark Applications Registered – 79635

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