Upcoming IP Events – Fast tracking Patents, Music of Copyrights, and Learn Patent Searching and Data Analysis Skills/Techniques

BananaIP’s Intellepedia is organising three IP Events during the next four weeks. They are being held at BananaIP’s office in Bangalore. You may register for the events by visiting the links provided hereunder.
At a Glance

  1. Fastracking Patents in India: Getting a Patent in One Year – 20th December 2019 (2PM to 4PM) – BananaIP’s Office (3rd Floor) – Register Online
  2. The Music of Copyrights – 3rd January , 2020 (2PM to 4PM) – BananaIP’s Office (3rd Floor) – Register Online
  3. Learn Patent Searching and Data Analysis Skills/Techniques – 10th January , 2020 (2PM to 4PM) – BananaIP’s Office (3rd Floor) – Register Online


Event Description

Getting a Patent in One Year

Getting a Patent Grant in One Year in India
Changes in patent rules and proactive steps of the patent office now make it possible to acquire patent grants within one year from the date of filing a patent application. The cost for  acquiring the patent speedily is not very high, and business/financial benefits are significant.
On 20th December 2019, BananaIP’s highly specialised patent attorneys are organising a session on how you can acquire a patent in one year. The session will be held at BananaIP Counsels, Bangalore, and  corporates, entrepreneurs, and others interested may register for it.

Register Online

The Music of Copyrights

The Music of Copyrights
Writers are the first copyright owners of lyrics; Music Composers the first copyright owners of musical compositions; and Producers or Record Labels the first copyright owners of recorded music created from performance of lyrics and music. Moreover, Singers and Musicians hold rights to control/permit recording and broadcasting of their performances. Recorded music cannot be made without permission of lyricists, composers, singers and musicians, and Record Labels while getting their permission to make recordings normally acquire their copyrights.
This session provides an overview of the law and systems that may be followed for effective royalty management for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Register Online

Learn Patent Searching and Data Analysis Skills/Technique

Training on Patent Search in Bangalore
Searching for patents and free and paid databases is a special skill that requires an understanding of: the patent system, organisation and structure of databases, specialty searching skills, techniques that work and do not work, and so on.
The session will be delivered by experienced patent attorneys and searches from BananaIP Counsels. It will be led by Senior Patent Partners of BananaIP from different specialty divisions such as electronics, electrical, IT, AI, ML, Automotive, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing, Biotech, Pharma, Traditional Knowledge, Genetics, Entertainment, Mobile Technologies and other areas.

Register Online

For more information about upcoming IP Seminars, visit us at bananaip.com/intellepedia.

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