4th International Biennial Conference on Management of Intellectual Property Rights and Strategy (MIPS) 2018

Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay through the support of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) IPR Chair Project, Government of India and National Institute of Industrial Engineering, (NITIE) is hosting the 4thInternational Conference on Management of Intellectual Property Rights and Strategy MIPS 2018 at IIT Bombay, India. The core focus of MIPS conference is to provide a suitable and conducive platform to discuss, debate and present contemporary research in the area of Intellectual Property Rights and its management.

Theme of Conference

“IP for Development: The Emerging Paradigm”. Aligning to the specific immediate needs, the MIPS 2018 has a Subtheme: “Best Practices for IP Management”.

Paper Submissions

The submissions are through the online mode only. Register and upload your extended abstract online at https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/User/Register. The guidelines and template for the upload are available at http://www.som.iitb.ac.in/MIPS2018.htm. The extended abstract would be limited to 1000 words [excluding keywords].

Process and Conference Components:

MIPS encourages papers that are in progress, advanced papers and practitioner’s cases. MIPS welcomes a multitude of research methods and differentiates itself from other conferences with its blend of latest academic scholarship and industry practitioner’s cases. On January 31, 2018, MIPS is also organizing pre-conference programmes like workshops, tutorials, and doctoral colloquium. Separate tracks for exploring contemporary issues in IP, practitioners and business perspectives on IP, have also been designed.


Every extended abstract that is submitted online would undergo a double-blind peer review process and be identified suitable for Poster / Presentation / Proceedings. All accepted extended abstracts would be published as an abstract book proceeding of MIPS 2018. Full papers of those shortlisted for proceedings would be published as part of an edited book volume. At least one author of the shortlisted submission has to register for the conference. Selected and reviewed submissions would be accommodated in Research / Practitioners / Case study stream. The earlier editions of MIPS were published as Vol I, Vol II and Vol III, with select papers being shortlisted for special issue publication in International Journals.

Conference Awards

In order to enhance, expand, and acknowledge the quality of IPR research occurring, MIPS recognize the submission with two sets of awards – for the practitioners and the academicians. Full papers are a must to be eligible for the conference awards.

Important Dates to be noted

Extended Abstract Due: July 15, 2017
Review Status: August 15, 2017
Full Paper for Review: October 10, 2017
Full paper review and status: November 30, 2017
Camera Ready Paper: December 15, 2017
Early Registration: October 10 – December 20, 2017
Regular Registration: December 21, 2017 onwards
Conference Dates: February 1 – 3, 2018
Pre-conference Workshops / Tutorials: January 31, 2018

Contact detail

MIPS 2018 Conference Secretary
IPR Chair Office SJMSOM, IIT Bombay, Powai
Prof. (Ms.) Karuna Jain- Conference Chair
Prof. Shishir Kumar Jha- Programme Chair
Email: IPR Chair – iprchair@som.iitb.ac.in
IPR Chair Office: iprchair.office@som.iitb.ac.in

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