2019 Trademark Statistics – A Recap

2019 Trademark Statistics – A Recap

Trademark Statistics from January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2019

Particulars 2019
Total Number of Trademark Applications Filed 336,194
Total Number of Trademark Applications Examined 384,725
Total Number of Trademark Applications Published 380,922
Total Number of Trademark Applications Registered 302,816

Yearly Trademark Statistics – A Comparison

Particulars 2017 2018 2019 Percentage Change(2018-19)
Total Number of Trademark Applications Filed 253,906 311,078 336,194 An increase of 8%
Total Number of Trademark Applications Examined 377,710 370,015 384,725 An increase of 4%
Total Number of Trademark Applications Published 389,428 429,440 380,922 A decrease of 11%
Total Number of Trademark Applications Registered 331,669 348,556 302,816 A decrease of 13%

As we can see from the table above, there has been an increase of 8% in the total number of new trademark applications filed in the year 2019 as compared to 2018.
Further, the total number of trademark applications examined this year is 14,710 more as compared to 2018. The increase may be attributed to the fact that since the Trademark Rules 2017 came in to effect, the Trademark Registry has speeded-up its process of examining the applications, which earlier used to take more than six months but has now reduced to less than three months’ time period.

Domain Name Disputes Filed in India

Total Number of complaints resolved from 1st January 2019-31st December 2019: 109
Total Number of complaints resolved from 1st January 2018-31st December 2018: 119
There has been a decrease of 10 cases in the total number of domain name disputes that have been resolved in India in 2019 as compared to 2018.

Domain Name Dispute WIPO

Total Number of complaints filed from 1st January 2019-31st December 2019: 3693
Total Number of complaints filed from 1st January 2018-31st December 2018: 3447
There is an increase of 7% in the total number of complaints filed in 2019 as compared to 2018.
Authored and compiled by Shreya Chaddha & Uma T.S
About BIP’s Trademark Attorneys
The Trademark News Bulletin is brought to you by the Trademark/Copyright, IP Transactional Strategy Divisions of BananaIP Counsels, a Top IP Firm in India. Led by Sanjeeth Hegde, BIP’s Trademark Attorneys are among the leading experts in the field. If you have any questions, or need any clarifications, please write to contact@bananaip.com with the subject: Trademark News.
The weekly trademark news initiative is a part of their pro bono work and is aimed at spreading trademark awareness. You are free to share the news with appropriate attribution and backlink to the source.
Disclaimer: Kindly note that the news bulletin has been put together from different sources, primary and secondary, and BananaIP’s reporters may not have verified all the news published in the bulletin. You may write to contact@bananaip.com for corrections and take down. 

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